Awaroa, 2025

20th - 23rd March 2025

Carl & I have created a 4 day, 3 night retreat in beautiful Awaroa, where our good friends have created a special place called ‘The Farm’, nestled in the heart of one of NZ’s most treasured national parks, at the top of Te Wai Pounamu, South Island of New Zealand

A retreat to tap into the magic of the Autumn equinox in this spectacular part of the world and we’d love for you to join us.

On this retreat, we’ll be exploring the concept of Kotahitanga - Balance, Harmony & Unity, whilst, celebrating Yin and the Yang - the masculine and the feminine through breath work, yoga, meditation and movement.

This is a space whereby, men and women are invited to join us. Couples & singles are welcome.

Over the 4 day, 3 night retreat, I will hold the wahine space with women's workshops :
- holistic cycle wellbeing & hormone health
- women’s mental & physical wellbeing
- movement/hikoi
- ocean swims
- meditation/mindfulness

Carl will hold the Men’s workshops :
- Maintaining men's mental/physical wellbeing
- hikoi
- hangi/cooking kai together
- ocean swims
- breath work/gratitude

We will bring this all together on the whenua and fire side through kotahitangi, food, unity and harmony.